Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tail lights/battery change?

also,I notice my reverse lights don't come on, and it's not the fuse, had that tested already,and not the bulbs
Tail lights/battery change?
Tail lights/battery change?
it is probably just an electrical conntection somewhere. do continuity check with a multimeter and track the wire to find a break or a bad ground
the switch on the transmission that %26quot;tells%26quot; the light to come on

93 Honda civic tail light out

Is there a special bulb for this car or can I go to Auto Zone and get it?

ALSO- will they change it out?
93 Honda civic tail light out
Im not familar with civics, but yes, auto zone will be able to find the bulb size that you'll need and if they're super nice may help you install it. if not, most tail lights that ive seen are accessible from the trunk. you may have to pull the carpet (if present) back little bit, but you should be able to get to the socket. some bulbs will sockets will twist in to lock others may be held in my clips. should be pretty straight forward though.

best of luck!
93 Honda civic tail light out
yes thell help you if theyre not too busy or when they finish what there doing

How do I remove the tail light from a 2004 Cavalier?

I own a 2004 Chevy Cavalier and I need to replace the rear Driver side turn light, but for some reason I am unable to get the bulb loose. Any ideas as to how I can get the bulb loose so I can change the bulb without any damage occuring?
How do I remove the tail light from a 2004 Cavalier?
pull out the socket and twist the bulb out, if it won't come out apparently it has gotten water in there and rusted and if you can't get it out you will have to clip the wires off and get a new socket at the dealer or junk yard.
How do I remove the tail light from a 2004 Cavalier?
yea..you have to pull the lamp assembly out 3 10mm nuts..for some reason they didnt leave enough room to twist the socket out

Have you ever had a dream that came true?

When I was a kid (about 10 years old), I had a dream that they changed the tail lights on volkswagens beetles from all red to the red/amber/white combination that they are right now. I know it sounds like I'm making it up, but I'm not. It's the absolute truth.
Have you ever had a dream that came true?
Yes I had a dream that A woman at a hospital had triplets all of whom where blind. Then a week later I woke up and turned the TV on and found out a lady had had triplets and they where all blind. Trust me i am not making it up. I have been having dream like that for years That was just the most resent.
Have you ever had a dream that came true?
In about December, i had a dream that I was going to a camp and it seemed like it was summer. At the end of July, I AM going to camp!!

it happened twice to me already. i happened to see a city I haven't been there before. After 1 week, I was already in that city and then I realized that lucid dream of a city that I saw 1 week prior was the same city I was now seeing.
That's the Universe's way of letting you know you are on the right track. You know, a nice little %26quot;thumbs up%26quot; to keep your chin held high.
  • relationship with hardcore gamer
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  • Have you ever had a dream that came true?

    When I was a kid (about 10 years old), I had a dream that they changed the tail lights on volkswagen beetles from all red to the red/amber/white combination that they are right now. I know it sounds like I'm making it up, but I'm not. It's the absolute truth.
    Have you ever had a dream that came true?
    I dreamed that my grandmother died even though she had no illnesses at the time. 4 days later she died (her stomach ruptured and she bleed to death in her sleep).

    Two months latter I dreamed that her ex-husband died. 6 Days later he died.

    Five weeks later I dreamed that her husband died. He starved to death because he refused to eat because his family was going to put him in a home.

    One year later I dreamed my uncle died. Within days he died because he aspirated into his lungs while suffering from the flu.
    Have you ever had a dream that came true?
    yes one night i dreamt that my friend cheryl was coming to visit and the next morning exactly as it was in my dream she turned up!!
    de ja vu rocks
    I went to sleep after failing to figure out a programming problem in Turbo Pascal.

    I tossed and turned all night having a dream I was typing endless lines of code.

    At about 4am the program worked in my dream and I could finally sleep.

    When I woke up the solution I dreamed of was the one that worked and it only took 15 minutes to get the program running.
    If that was the case, I'd be the happiest person on earth.
    i have this recurring dream that I'm trying to find shoes for my sister and i have to ask Hitler for shoes, but he wont listen to me b/c he is busy playing with a palm pilot at a kiosk

    but that dream never came true
    Nothing like that has happened to me, but I have heard of many people who have had the same type of experience! I think it is so amazing!

    I do experience deja vu quite often though and I'm amazed by that too
    Yes. When i was about 10 I used to go to the swimming pool alot but I couldn't swim. One night I dreamt I was swimming under water, just gliding effortlessly and feeling the cool clear water rippling past my body. It was so clear and real I just knew what it was like to be swimming. The next day I went to the pool and acted out my dream and it really happened. I learnt to swim from a dream. (It's taken a long time to develop into a good swimmer though).
    Absolutely, several times. I seem to be able to know when it is 'one of those' dreams and when it is not normal jumble. The problem is that I never get a specific time when the things I dream are going to happen. So, therefore, I just wait. There is no way to prepare. I used to never tell someone in case I was wrong. Now I tell someone, just so that there is someone who believes me. I have people who know I do this say 'What should we do to warn people?%26quot; I tell them that there is nothing we can do....I don't know when. And then it just happens. It only ever involves people and places that I know personally. Not in the rest of the world.

    94 Accord dash lights not working but tail lights ARE working?

    I was driving and i realized HEY my dash lights arent on! I might have kicked a fuse when I got out because it doesnt have a cover but Ive read that if that fuse is out then both your tail lights and dash lights are out but my tail lights are fine. also ive read about the knob that changed intesity of the lights but thats not the problem. I just have no idea. Does anyone know if this is a certain fuse and which number it is? or ANY HELP??!?!?!
    94 Accord dash lights not working but tail lights ARE working?
    It has to be a blown fuse are the dimmer wheel (button) has been turned (pushed) You need to check both fuse boxes ,the one under the hood and the one under the dash.
    94 Accord dash lights not working but tail lights ARE working?

    Why is my bearded dragon changing colour?

    She is about 3 yrs old and in the last week her feet and tail have been changing to a darker brown. It doesn't change throughout the day or get lighter. She is eating, active, the temp is right in the cage and nothing has been changed in the cage for her to be stressed.

    Why is my bearded dragon changing colour?
    My daughter and I adopted a bearded dragon 4 years ago and the same thing happens from time to time. It is especially common at this time of the year..even though the temps in the tank appear to be the same, chances are the temps in your house are getting cooler. They can feel that slight temperature drop and they become darker to absorb more heat from their heat source (heat pad, lights, etc..). I wouldn't worry about it unless it starts to spread throughout her body, then I would contact a vet, but for right now, chances are she is just sensing the change of seasons.
    Why is my bearded dragon changing colour?
    she's probably just shedding her skin, all reptiles do this, and some crustaceans, i didn't know what'd happened when a second crayfish appeared in my tank!


    hope this helped.

    also, just wanted to add, the reason why you mightn't find her other skin if that is the case...she probably would have eaten it.
    My daughter and I adopted a bearded dragon 4 years ago and the same thing happens from time to time. It is especially common at this time of the year..even though the temps in the tank appear to be the same, chances are the temps in your house are getting cooler. They can feel that slight temperature drop and they become darker to absorb more heat from their heat source (heat pad, lights, etc..). I wouldn't worry about it unless it starts to spread throughout her body, then I would contact a vet, but for right now, chances are she is just sensing the change of seasons.