I have custom LED tail lights for my 04 Civic. They've been working fine for the last few months. Just recently, the right tail light BARELY shows any light when I hit the brakes, but the left one is fine. If I turn on the lights, it lights up properly, but does not get brighter when I hit the brakes.
I checked the connection and reseated it, but nothing changed. I'm tempted to break out the multimeter to check voltages between sides, but not sure what else it could be...?
Right LED tail light not working for brake?
Swap your taillight bulbs. That will tell you if it's an electrical problem or the bulb. Even though LED's last longer, they do go out on occasion.
Right LED tail light not working for brake?
you probably need to change the bulb
You need a new LED fixture.
Call the maker of your tail lights and order a new one.
Sounds as if you got stuck with a bad set of aftermarket taillights. What a lot of us call a DOA (dead on arrival) product. I would call the manfuacturer that made your product and have them replace it. Im sure there is a replacement warranty policy.