A few weeks ago, I started having an annoying problem with my car. Every time I make a right turn (whether I'm using the signal or not), the fuse for the dash and tail light blows out. This only happens if the right turn is being made on an upward slope. Strange, right?
Before you ask, I did not change any wiring in my car beforehand to cause it to do this. It just started randomly.
Since then we've checked the wires and they are not hot, corroded, or otherwise messed up. We've also replaced the break switch and the tail lights.
My father is an auto body tech whose fairly knowledgeable about mechanics and my brother is a mechanic intern. Both are stumped.
Any ideas?
Dash/Tail light fuse keeps blowing in my '97 Dodge Neon?
The wiring is shorting out somewhere causing the fuses to break you just haven't found it yet follow it from the directional SWITCH to the lights, see if anything else uses the same circuit, lighter, defroster and so on and check to see if it is shorting out.