Thursday, October 6, 2011

My 01 Silverado 5.3 check engine light keeps coming on i changed both knock sensors and pig tail.?

I changed both knock sensors and the pig tail and the check engine light still comes on, im also losing a lot of power on take off. and my truck just seems to be really slow, when i do a diagnosis on it the code says the second knock sensor is putting out a weak signal, does anyone have any suggestions im running out of options???
My 01 Silverado 5.3 check engine light keeps coming on i changed both knock sensors and pig tail.?
You might have bad spark plugs and wires. I would look into that. Also, you might need a new fuel pump; it could be full of crud! I am almost positive you will find your problem in one or all of these solutions. Good luck.
My 01 Silverado 5.3 check engine light keeps coming on i changed both knock sensors and pig tail.?
If it has more than 5,000 miles on it, take it to the dump.