98 jeep cherokee back left tail light out help?
If the right light works it doesn't have anything to do with where it connects to the system. If the brake light works it's not a ground problem. The two most likely things are that you used the wrong bulb, or the socket is bad. Check the socket for bad contacts or a broken wire and swap the left and right tailight bulbs to make sure they good.
98 jeep cherokee back left tail light out help?
Take a test light and pull the bulb out of the socket.Use the test light in the socket to see if there is any power to it.Bu turn on your headlights to the park position while doing this.If you find that you have power its the bulb if no power you might have a ground wire to that socket that needs to be fixed.For every power there has to be a ground to operate it.Check to see if you have a black wire for a ground from the socket to a connection on the body somewhere find it and either clean it or replace it.If it needs cleaning use some sandpaper to clean the ends of the wire connection and the place of the body where it mounts.And also clean out the socket with either sandpaper and some electrical spray like alcohol type.You can get some stuff called electro motive.It is in a red can and white can and spray it in the socket of the light bulb and let it drain out of the socket to dry.And retry the bulb again or a new one.But also watch how your putting the bulb in.There is two grooves going down inside the socket one is longer than the other.The longer groove takes the small stub at the bottom of the light bulb and the other one is higher up than the other it will be the shorter one closet to the middle of it.Place the light bulb into the socket and see what happens.But make sure everything is clean before you put the light bulb in.You can use some stuff that is called silicone grease it is a clear grease that helps to keep moisture out of the socket..But place it around the outside of the bulb and not the bottom where the contacts are at.Get this at a parts store.hgm20002000@yahoo.com