Is the cover 'pop-off'?
How do I change my rear tail light of a 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan? It doesn't seem to have any access points.
open the liftgate. you will see 2 black plastic push pins. remove these. now you can remove the housing by pulling rearward. replace bulb.
How do I change my rear tail light of a 2006 Dodge Grand Caravan? It doesn't seem to have any access points.
it's in the owners manual
Go to your local Autozone or Advance Auto Parts and ask. 9 times out of 10, they'll crack open a Haynes manual and find the section that tells you how.
Check the owners manual. We have a few for those minivans at work, and if I recall it's inside the cabin, around where the back part of where the rear lights should be look for a plastic cover. Usually all you need to do is pop that off, use a screw driver if you need to, and that should be your access point to change bulbs, and the screws that hold the housing should be accessible there also.
look directly behind the light on the inside of it,there should be a cover that will pop off if it,and that will give you access to the tail light on it,it also may tell about this in the owners manual ,good luck.
open the tail gate and remove the covers in the corners , you'll find your bulb sockets right there