Tail lights and 1 brake light out on 1994 BMW 525i. Bulbs and fuse appear to be good.I changed the bulbs anyway but it did not work.A friend says to clean the bulb holder and make sure the grounding tabs are making contact. Im not sure what he means. I never had this problem until now can someone help me?
Please help me with my 1994 BMW 525i Tail light problem?
I assume you mean the brake lights. I had to play with a customer's car that had similar problems. Was the brake switch under the dash. Even if you could get to it. I had done the pdeal alot, and then it had started to work fine. But I'm sure it was only a temp fix. Possibly need the switch replaced. Is only a dealer item too. Good luck.
Please help me with my 1994 BMW 525i Tail light problem?
its the place where the bulbs go in,,they may be corroded ,,and not making good contact,,that will make them do this,,if all the fuses and bulbs are good it has to be a bad ground or broken wire in the rear of the wiring harness,,if you,ll take your time you might find it,if not you may need to take it in,,and get it checked out,,you might cause more damage than you can repair if your not real familiar with wiring,,i own a repair shop,,in Tennessee and we specialize in electrical ,,i hope this help,s,,good luck with it.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha sounds like my 200 dollar chevy beretta