I have a black cat with all white paws on all four, white belly, and white neck and white in the ears. She's a growing kitten, weighing about 3 pounds, very healthy, beautiful shiny coat. recently, I noticed the tip of her tail changing to a medium to light brown colour. She doesn't sleep near a radiator or anything very hot, nor cold. Her tail is changing and progressively the brown is moving further and further down the tail.
Why is her tail changing colour?
Black Cat's tail changing colour... Why?
Because its getting close to summer
this is happening to my tortiesheel she's turningmore ginger
Black Cat's tail changing colour... Why?
I'm guessing she's probably just getting some of her adult fur growing in on her tail, which could cause the slight color change. If she has some sort of simaese/pointed cat influence, her %26quot;ends%26quot; might adjust color too due to temperature, but usually they turn darker, not lighter.
If she seems healthy and happy otherwise, and the coat seems healthy, it's probably not a sign of anything negative.
is she going out in the sun? ive a black and white cat that seems more brown and cream in summer
male pattern browning
I have a dog that was all black as a puppy except for one white patch on his chest. When he got older (he's like 3 years now) He got silvery patches behind his ears, and his white patch got bigger, and he is more of a dark brown color all over.
I think it just happens with some animals when they get their adult fur.
Sunlight can also do that I think. All of my black cats go brown in the summer.
It's probably not something you should worry about too much, as long as she's healthy.
Just like us - kittens change during their kitten (baby) and young adult (teenage) years - A cat is considered a young adult up to 2 years - It is nothing to be concerned about - It is possible she is considered a 'calico' cat and the tan/brown is just now showing up in her coat -
I have a cat that when he was born was white - at 4 weeks his fur turned to a very pale silver gray - at about 2-4 months his tail and ears started darkening - by one year he had all the markings of a siamese - at 2 years he stopped changing - I show people pictures and they all swear it is not the same cat but I know it is because I fostered him and his siblings when his mama got killed by a car - there were 6 kittens total 3 male/3 female - 3 long hair/3 short hair - 2 black and white - 2 orange marmalade - 2 gray (blue) siamese -